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These are sample questions for F1 Visa interview that may be asked by a visa consular during F1 visa interview.

Possible questions for F-1 Visa Interview are:

  1. Why do you want to study abroad?
  2. Why do you want to go to USA?
  3. Is it necessary to study abroad?
  4. Why have you chosen this university?
  5. What is special about this university?
  6. Why do you want to study this course?
  7. What are you going to study in this course?
  8. Isn't this course available in your own country? If yes, why do you want to study this course abroad?
  9. Who will pay for your living and studies in USA?
  10. Do you have enough funds to study in USA?
  11. What is your source of income?
  12. Is your fund enough study in USA?
  13. What your father does?
  14. Don't you intend to work in USA?
  15. What will you do after completion of your studies in USA?
  16. How can you assure me that you'll return back after your studies in USA?
  17. What you'll do if you'll fall in love in USA?
  18. Who lives with you in your family?
  19. Has anybody from your family gone abroad?
  20. Why don't you have good marks in your previous studies?

These are just possible a questions you may be asked by a consular. Prepare well for these questions but don't be sure to be asked any of the question above. You may not be any of the questions above too. These are general F1 visa questions asked to most of the visa applicants.

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